This sister of mine... she's a great gal. She has curly girl hair, and a cute freckly nose. I know one thing is for sure, she's the best sister a sister could ask for. If you've read any of my earlier post, you know that we had a funny childhood. Dog dress up days up the wazoo. If you want to get to know her.. (which trust me people, you do) here is a peek into this beautiful ladies life.
Favorite Color? Maroon
Age? 16
Style? Country Vintage with an Earthy-Indian-Pocahauntous flair.
Things you can't resist? Dogs. Animals in general. Lindor Chocolate. A sexy man with an attractive personality.
Something weird I do when no one is looking? Sing/ Harmonize to any song I hear.
Something most people don't know about me is...? I'm really really excited to build/design my own house someday.
Favorite hobby? I like crafts, watching movies, and just being mellow & relaxing.
I wish I could...? Have better public speaking skills. & have a vertical of 5 feet.
Pet peeve? Making final decisions... for example what I want for Christmas, for my Birthday, or for anything that has no turning back. People that lie.
It's been raining NON-stop. all day long. from sunrise to sunset. Even though this weather makes me want to curl up with a crochet stick & yarn, I was busy. Worked till 5. When I got home, the puppies were anxiously awaiting my arrival, or the arrival of anyone who wanted to play tug-o-war. Kaiya started howling, it was adorable. Kobi gave me the puppy dog eyes. So I let them out & took them outside. It was a muddy mess out there. My boots were getting soaked & muddy. Then I just kinda laughed at myself, because there I was, December 14th, and it is pouring down rain. How often does that happen? Seldom. I decided to go grab the frisbee and have fun with it. There we were... Kaiya, Kobi, & I.. out in the rain playing frisbee. We all ran back inside, anxious to get out the rain. A while later, Matt & my mom came home. Matt had a yoyo, and was messing around with it. He could not wait to show me his new moves, and when I say cannot wait, I mean CANNOT wait. I was on the phone, and he stood in front of me, insisting he keep showing me while I was talking. What a little squirt. After he finished doing his tricks, I picked up the yoyo trying to recall all the grade school tricks I learned from my friends. The memories flowed back. I was doing Cats in the cradle when Matt glanced over. "Court!!!! You can do that. Awww that's so cool, I've always wanted to do it. It's so hard. How do you know how? I can't believe it, you know that Court!" He was so cute, I just wanted to pinch his cheeks. I said,"Ya know Matt I was a kid once too." It's strange to think he had probably never thought of that before, that his older sister, was once his age. It was a light bulb moment. When it dawned on me, that I had never thought about that either. My grandma, was once my age. My Mom, was once my age. My dad. My grandpa. Aunt's. Uncle's. I wonder what they were like?
Today was great. One of those days I will remember forever. Cait and I jumped in my car, and drove. With no destination in sight, we found exactly where we needed to be. We drove through Sunnyland down into East Peoria, hoping to find a cute little shop. That is exactly what we found. If you live in the area, and enjoy vintage collectables as much as I do, here's the directions! Christie's. This place was a fairy tail, more than 50 venders! Each station had it's own personal touch. My sister & I spend several hours in there, and still could have kept looking. I began talking to the woman who owned the place, asking her how long they had been there. They'd been there almost 7 years! We couldn't believe we had missed out on it this whole time.
Vintage Trunk, I've always wanted one! Today was my lucky day. I"m surprised this adorable trunk hadn't been sold already, I found in under some quilted blankets.
2 Green Lanters, and a Jar of Buttons. I plan on using the two lanterns in a DIY project this Christmas (Check out the 12 Crafts of Christmas later this month!)
Last... but certainly not least. 7 vintage cameras. All seven cameras were in a crate, but only one camera was priced. It's price was $20.00. I took the crate up to the front counter, asking how much they'd like for 3 of the cameras. She smiled, and said, "How about $20 for all of them!" My jaw most likely hit the ground. Curious, I wanted to know a little history behind each of the 7 cameras. I jumped online, and researched. Above are only 3 of the cameras, but the one on the left is from the 1920's! When I researched the camera on the left, the lens was worth $375! The camera on the right is actually a video camera. Hand crank & all! The other 4 cameras are from the 40's, 50's, and 60's. Such beautiful & rare pieces of history.
It's nearly Christmas Break and it seems as if these last few days are taking an eternity. Only two more finals stand before me and SENIOR year. I can hardly believe how fast the time has flown by. It seems like just yesterday I was saying goodbye to all my friends back home to make the trek up to Judson. In a year from now I'll be a big girl---out in the real world---a fish out of water. It reminds me of that commercial... "I'm a big kid now!" Even though those cheesy commercials are classic, let's talk about something even more exciting.
This Christmas Season I've decided to start a new tradition. It shall be called the "12 crafts of christmas." The twelve days before Christmas I will be doing a new craft each day. Check for those updates on the DIY tab!
Sometimes I feel like Buddy above, UNPREPARED for Christmas.
When it comes to getting giddy about Christmas, Buddy the Elf does it best. Need a little inspiration? Check out his video.
Christmas Break Bucket List
1. Ice Fishing with my dad & brothers
2. Sledding
3. Build a Snowman
4. Snuggle with my Sister
5. Teach the dogs a new trick
6. Have out-of-this-world New Year's Plans!You know who you are :)
7. Make Christmas Cookies with my Mom
8. Sing Christmas Songs with my family in the car
9. Bake with my Grandma
10. Jump on the Trampoline in the snow with my little brother
11. 12 crafts of christmas!!!
12. Have sushi at lest 10 times. YUM!
13. Volunteer at the animal shelter
14. Have Coffee with a friend I haven't talked to in a while
15. Work (gotta make the $$$$)
16. Learn how to Knit
17. Read the Word.
18. Don't think about school
19. Write people cards. (I like making homemade ones!) (Message me your address & I'll send you one)
20. Create more Corki Designs!
It would be quite wonderful to have all 20 of these things happen. And guess what? They are going to! Make your own Christmas Bucket List & make it happen!
Need a new Christmas Jam? Check this one out. Be careful though, it might get stuck in your head.