Friday, November 11, 2011

Naked Parties in the Sandbox

Last night was a night to remember. We took a trip back to childhood. A night filled with tent-making & shadow puppets. It wasn't until midnight when our 'second winds' kicked in. Several of us were aimlessly walking around the apartment searching for something to do. Light bulb turned word... FORT. We gathered all the blankets and compiled our ideas. The ending product=EPIC! It was pitch black, blankets engulfing you, when suddenly one of my roommates, Jaimie, whipped out a flash light out of no where. I'm not quite sure where or how that flash light got there, let's call it perfect timing. We spent the next hour creating new types of shadow puppets. Some of the animals names were smortney, smailey, and smasey. We had quite the compilation of animals; raptors, snails, caterpillars, seas horses, dogs, frogs, and we can't forget the dancing lady.

I sat in class this morning trying to pay attention, but my mind shifted to my funnier things. All the little moments that happened between my siblings and I when I was younger. I had to be careful though, several times I almost let out a laugh in class. From ages 3 to 8ish, I remember one very important memory. Naked parties in the Sandbox. Go for it, just laugh. I can see it now... my sister, brother, and I all with soggy water logged diapers building a city in the sandbox. My dad is a great craftsman, he can build practically anything. He built us this epic fort, with a monster sandbox. During the summer we'd be in and out of that thing all day long. Always tracking sand into the kitchen and all over the tarnation. This monster sandbox would serve as all sorts of things... the ocean, hot lava, a bed, and even an ant colony. We'd take the hose, turn it on full throttle, and fill the sand box with water. It created this wonderful brown sandy watery concoction. Perfect for summer fun. As we all ran to the sandbox on those hot summer days, the only thing we left on, was the diaper. Eventually, once those got water logged enough, they made their way off our butts and onto the yard.

On rainy days, we were left with little to do. My sister & I were obsessed with dogs. Clearly the best thing for us to do on those rainy days was to play dog school. Nearly every day we played this game, we fought over dog names. We always wanted the same name, Lady. We thought the dog Lady from Lady & the Tramp, was "soooooo pretttty." We wanted to be just like her. Now that I look back on it, that's a bit strange. Considering we are humans, and we wanted to be like a dog. It's so funny how our little minds worked! My sister would play the dog student & I'd be the dog teacher. I even remember sometimes having my sister do things for me, since I was the teacher dog I was in charge. This worked to my advantage! ha... She'd have to go get me lemonade or craft supplies. Sometimes I would even walk her around on a leash. I can only imagine how much of a kick my mother got out of us. I still don't know why she agreed to that? I wish we had it on video! We had so much fun.

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