Thursday, November 3, 2011

On my mind...

Today is just one of those days. It's takes all my being not to curl up with a good book or with a cup of chai tea at hand.

Then I ask myself, why not?

This world revolves around 'getting things done.' Nearly all of us, daily, are working to cross things off 'our list' for the day. Hustling and bustling around, almost forgetting what this day is all about. Today consists of 24 hours, 1,440 minutes, or 86,400 seconds. Over the course of a year there are 8,760 hours, 525,600 minutes, or 31,536,000 seconds. It's quite possible that a majority of those hours, minutes, and seconds are circling around our need to 'make progress'.

Why is it that at the end of a day that we have taken time to relax, we feel unaccomplished? Frustrated at our selves because of our lack of 'progress.'

Today, only 86,400 seconds of the 31,536,000 seconds in a year are going to occur. So, put down your check list for a while. I know, I know... your thinking "I don't have time to sit, I need to get things done." But I'm telling you, you do. Take advantage of time. Come up for a breath of fresh air, smell the flowers, smell the rain, make some coffee, do something for yourself...

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